As you may well already know, the next Pax Britannia Ulysses Quicksilver is entitled Dark Side in which our dandy detective-hero travels to the Moon. Now I already know what's going to happen - obviously - but here's your chance to possibly influence how the story progresses.
To put it simply, what would you like to see happen in a Pax Britannia steampunk adventure on the Moon? Now I'm not promising that any of your suggestions will make it into the finished book, and you may well come up with something I've already thought of myself, and anything that does make it in will obviously be copyright Abaddon Books/Rebellion Developments, so if you do suggest anything, you'll be giving up your moral rights to the ideas and all that...
So, if I haven't scared you off, drop me a line by replying to this blog and we'll see what happens. You might just find your idea making a cameo appearance...
How about a secret martian base, on the darkside, where the tripodal inhabitants are planning an invasion. OK a bit old hat that one...
Possibly a rival power to the Empire has set up a base of operations on the moon and is slowly mining it for some "X" mineral that will give said rival superpower an advantage over Britain.
Ulysses has to fight a giant lunar worm/slug, and in defeating it he wins the acceptance and gratitude of the local inhabitants/selenites...
Just a few inital thoughts, not very original though.
Thanks for those, David.
There is a wannabe superpower at work on the Moon already, but I may well be able to work the lunar slug in somehow...
Selenites! Ant people on the moon! Or, y'know cat-women. Like from the 1953 film Cat-Women of the Moon. That'd be quite neat.
Thanks for your thoughts... keep 'em coming!
can we have a nutty machine (like the cooker in wallace an gromit- but cooler) for comic relief?
I know it is a secret but on the dark side of the moon which we can't see from earth you will find copies of London, Paris, New York, Berlin and Hong Kong. They look familiar and strange at the same time. Below the surface rampages the cog war. The towns are inhabited by clockwork driven and steam driven beings. Not to forget the brass people. The towns build a pentagon and in the middle of the pentagon you find the steam bowl - which contains the steam matrix. who rules the matrix? Why does the brass people fear the matrix? Is it just an oversized opium den?
Blimey! And I thought I had a wild imagination! ;-)
My imagination is not bad. Maybe that is one reason because I like your Pax Britannia books. Can't wait to read BLOOD ROYAL and DARK SIDE!!
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